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The Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Association of Greater Chicago (AMUAA-GC) strives to provide educational and financial assistance to needy students.

AMUAA-GC reaches and educates our community about its educational campaign (“Aligarh Tehreek”) through various social and cultural activities. Some of these activities serve the purpose of fundraising to support our educational programs.

The charitable, literary and educational activities of AMUAA-GC and its membership are open to every person irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, or nationality.

For further details about AMUAA-GC, please read the Constitution and Bylaws of the organization.


Girls Education Projects

AMUAA of Greater Chicago believes that Educating Girls benefits Generations.

Education plays a vital role in the progress of any society. Primary and secondary education sparks the interest in children for knowledge. Education helps children to become better architects of tomorrow by excelling at whatever profession they choose, such as becoming leaders, doctors, engineers, scientists, lawyers, bankers and teachers etc. 
A mother’s education is essential for nurturing children. A mother is the first and the foremost teacher of a child. Education enables a mother to find critically important tools and techniques that she needs to raise her child. Therefore, education of girls, mothers of tomorrow, is of utmost importance.

AMUAA-GC is committed to supporting Girl’s education projects and sponsoring needy students in India. Please visit Our Projects page to learn more about our completed and on-going projects.

Cultural and Social Programs

AMUAA of Greater Chicago conducts cultural and social events such as Sir Syed Day Celebration and Mushaira for social and cultural awareness, to educate the community, and to raise funds to provide financial support to needy students.

Distant Mentorship Program

This program helps AMU students to succeed in their professional careers. Regular lectures and presentations are given at AMU to encourage students as to how AMU students can pursue higher education in the United States and Europe. AMUAA-GC also provides financial support to Sir Syed Emerging Scholar Award (SESSA) program. SESSA is a mentorship and financial assistance program and it provides financial support to students for GRE & TOEFL tests and application fee for university admission. This program also provides valuable mentorship throughout the process from the beginning until students get admitted into graduate programs to earn their Masters and PhD degrees.

Membership Drive

AMUAA of Greater Chicago invites people from greater Chicago area to become members, and to help and support its noble objectives.

AMUAA of Greater Chicago encourages you to support their projects by donating generously. Please click here to donate.